Unravelling the mystery of wisdom teeth with our dentist


As part of the dedicated team at LLB Dental Clinic, our dentist in Strood, we often encounter a myriad of questions about a particular set of teeth that seem to be shrouded in mystery – the wisdom teeth. Today, we would like to delve into this topic, shedding light on what wisdom teeth are and the potential issues they can cause.

The enigma of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars as we call them, are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth, typically making their grand entrance between the ages of 17 and 25. This late arrival, coinciding with the age of maturity and wisdom (hence the name), is a fascinating aspect of human development.

However, the intrigue doesn’t stop there. Unlike our other teeth, wisdom teeth are evolutionary relics. Our ancestors needed these robust grinders to break down a diet heavy in rough, uncooked foods. But as we evolved and our diets changed, our jaws became smaller, leaving little room for these late bloomers.

The unforeseen complications of wisdom teeth

Now, you might be wondering why, if wisdom teeth are a part of our natural dentition, how is it they often cause problems? That’s an excellent question, and the answer lies in the very evolution mentioned earlier.

Our modern jaws often don’t have enough space to accommodate wisdom teeth. When these teeth try to squeeze in, they can become impacted, meaning they are unable to fully emerge or align properly. This impaction can lead to a host of issues, some of which are discussed next.

The painful reality of impacted wisdom teeth

The most immediate and noticeable problem caused by impacted wisdom teeth is, quite simply, pain. The pressure of an emerging wisdom tooth can cause discomfort, swelling, and sometimes even severe discomfort. If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know it’s not something you can easily ignore.

Infection: a hidden threat

Beyond the discomfort, we have seen impacted wisdom teeth at our dentist in Strood, leading to infections. When a wisdom tooth partially erupts, it creates an opening where bacteria can enter and thrive, leading to an infection called pericoronitis. This condition can cause symptoms like bad breath, a bitter taste in the mouth, swollen gums, and even difficulty opening your mouth.

The wisdom in prevention

Given these potential issues, you might be wondering what can be done to prevent them. In many cases, the best course of action is to remove the wisdom teeth before they become a problem. This is typically done through a routine surgical procedure, which we perform right here in our clinic.

However, it’s important to remember that every mouth is unique. Some people may never experience problems with their wisdom teeth, while others may face significant challenges. That’s why regular dental check-ups are so crucial. As your dental care team, we can monitor the development of your wisdom teeth and recommend the best course of action for your specific situation.

Embrace the wisdom, not the teeth

Wisdom teeth are a fascinating remnant of our evolutionary past, but they can also cause a host of problems in our modern mouths. From pain and infection to the potential for other dental issues, the risks associated with wisdom teeth are significant. However, with regular dental care at our dentist in Strood and, if necessary, removal, you can avoid these complications and keep your smile healthy and bright.

Remember, your oral health is a vital part of your overall wellbeing. So, don’t let the mystery of wisdom teeth keep you from achieving your best dental health. We’re here to guide you through every step of your dental journey, from understanding the role of wisdom teeth to managing any potential issues they may cause.