Should I be worried about my bleeding gums? Our dentist in Strood explains


It is reported that over half the UK adult population is suffering from some form of gum disease, and it is gum disease that is more than likely causing your bleeding gums. We have all seen the scary adverts with people losing teeth due to their bleeding gums, but should you be worried if you too are experiencing this? Does bleeding gums mean you are going to lose teeth? We at LLB Dental Clinic want to discuss this and put our patients’ minds at ease.

Bleeding gums

In 90% of the population, bleeding gums is due to early signs of gum disease, and we say early signs with caution. Of course, gums will bleed throughout all stages of gum disease and gradually bleed more and more over time, but if you catch these symptoms early, it can be a good way to get the process of healing on track sooner rather than later.

Why do we develop gum disease?

Our teeth are actually attached to a lower part of the gum than what we can see. This space is called the sulcus, and it is very prone to plaque and tartar build-up due to food debris and bacteria left there. Throughout the day, everything we consume adds up in these hard-to-clean areas, and it is this debris that turns into plaque and then solidifies to become tartar.

The body does not want tartar, so it will eventually attempt to get rid of it and tell us something is wrong; this is why the area often reddens, swells and then bleeds. This is why it is important to deal with tartar issues before they get out of hand.

How can we fix gum disease?

First, if you have any changes to your oral health or experience any of the symptoms discussed, you should get in contact with our dentist in Strood as soon as you can. That way, we at LLB Dental Clinic can get you booked for a checkup and address the issue quickly.

Early gum disease, known as gingivitis, is actually relatively easy to treat and can be remedied with a combination of in-house treatment with our hygienist and at-home care. Our hygienist will assess your gum health and then perform a scale-and-polish, which is a super deep clean of your gums. We will follow this up with a lovely polishing treatment, giving your teeth back their shine.

Our dentist in Strood will evaluate the severity of your gum disease and then put the appropriate plan in place.

If our dentist believes the gum disease has developed to later stages, you may need to have a series of treatments such as antibiotics, root canals or extractions. We do not want to worry patients as these are all for those much further down the line, and you should not worry about this if you contact our dentist in Strood as soon as you see signs of gum disease.

If any of the issues raised in this blog are recognisable to you, do contact our dental team today.